Monday, January 28, 2008

Nobody can eat 50 eggs

There was a segment on the morning news about Avian Flu in S.E. Asia. They were showing footage of a local person, presumably talking about his experience, and the voice-over said, "I used to eat 12 eggs a day, but now because of the epidemic, I'm only eating half that. If it gets worse, I'll stop eating eggs altogether." My mom thought that was pretty funny and then commented, "But he probably really said that."

In all my news watching years, it has never occurred to me to doubt the veracity of news footage.

On a separate note, the Japanese news always takes great care when pairing the voice-over voice with the person being filmed; I swear that they hire professional anime voice talent! For instance if the person is a middle-aged woman, they will give her an exaggerated obasan/auntie voice, or if it's a farmer more often than not the voice will be vaguely hick-like. It always cracks me up, especially since I'm used to American news where even if they're interviewing a nomad from the war-torn Middle-East, he speaks with a BBC accent.
Maybe the Japanese are going for a verité experience on the news or something... I'm not sure.

1 comment:

Inder-ific said...

No, YOU are hilarious, my dear! Or maybe it's your mother. Yeah, I think it's your mother. Well, you can always aspire to be just like her when you grow up!