Friday, January 25, 2008

Even if the damage is permanent, it was worth it

We were talking about this little farmers' market type place where my mom had gotten hand-made donuts and possibly the aforementioned cookies. But she said it wasn't quite the same as a farmers' market. The next thing I'm aware of is that she's looking something up in the Japanese-English dictionary. She finds whatever word she's looking for then looks at me with the most puzzled and confused expression, and asks me, "What's 'corneous'?" I'm busy eating my tangerine, but I take the dictionary from her and look to where she's pointing.

"It says 'horny'," is the next sentence out of her mouth.

At this point, I literally inhaled about a quarter of my tangerine and started alternately choking and laughing. Luckily I didn't die - I coughed most of it out (though I'm still hacking up bits of pulp and juice) but my voice got all deep and now I'm wondering if citric acid can seriously scar lung tissue. But still it might have been worth it. Maybe I'll even sound like Tone Loc - Steve, remind me to see if they have Funky Cold Medina when we go Karaokeing. The PS to this whole thing is that the word she was looking up had nothing whatever to do with markets or farmers but was about an exfoliant she bought and thus the whole 'corneous' whathaveyou. I can't follow her train of thought no matter how hard I try. And I'm trying. Hard.

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