Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another (unintended) life truth (by Yoko)

So, you know how sometimes when you're conversing with someone, you might interject with an, "I know, but..."? Conversely, sometimes you might even stick in an, "I don't know, but..."

Well, you can guess who just brought those two worlds together.

Today we were talking about where to buy a dustbuster while she's in the LA (I know it seems crazy that they don't sell them here in Japan, but they don't!). I suggested Best Buy and she said she might just go to a drug store. I told her she'd have a better selection at a bigger place and she responds, "I know...I don't know..," looks at me sheepishly and starts laughing.

Thinking about its intended meaning produces the same brain sensation as thinking about the sound of one hand clapping. Also, I think that this phrase is the most accurate representation of my view of understanding in my own life at this very juncture: I know (but) I don't know.

How true that is.

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