Saturday, December 1, 2007

Grammar, sense notwithstanding

This morning, my mom discovered that she'd forgotten about a student that's coming for a lesson. But, she's not worried because this student, as my mother expressed it, "She tells what I do."
"She what now?"
"She does what I...tell her." It's in these little moments that I begin to see the blueprint of how the cogs in her mind turn, and it all makes a little bit more sense. Luckily there were no articles in that sentence to be flubbed.

To anyone who thinks that my ardent noting of these tiny errors in my mom's language usage verges on cruel, know that I also make such mistakes (frequently) in my Japanese, to the point where I'm sure that my mom, if she knew about the miracles of blogs and the internet, could certainly have one: Actually, I'd better check that it doesn't exist...I'm in the clear.
An example? I recently misread a sign as we drove past a pet grooming store. The error? I misread
ベル (Pet Belle) as ペット (Pet Hell). You look at it and tell me it wasn't an honest (yet hilarious) mistake?

I'm still laughing.

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