Monday, December 10, 2007

brain mapping

Do you ever start doing something that takes concentration but is something you'd rather avoid? Ever get sleepy in such a situation? I do, and my mom does, too. She was telling me that, no matter how rested she is or how early in the day it is, when she goes to practice her shamisen and learn new pieces, she always gets sleepy.

Here is her scientific reason: "I think that I use the same part of my brain to memorize and to go to sleep. It's the only reason I can think of." I like this for two reasons. One, I like that she thinks that it is not because it is difficult or boring that she feels sleepy. Two, I like that she uses part of her brain to fall asleep. Personally, I need to not use my brain to fall asleep, though it's hard and I can't always make that work, either. Hmm, maybe I need to take a clue from my mom and try a new method.

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