Monday, March 24, 2008

Sincerely, move over

Okay, so this one really was an accident, but until I figured it out I thought it was totally the most brilliant and hilarious thing to happen in a while.

I proof read a recommendation letter my mom had written correcting the engrish as I went along then this is how it closed.
bla bla, it is my great pleasure to recommend bla bla.

I am,

Yoko M------
I feel sketched about putting full names on the internet. Call me paranoid. Anyway, it wasn't meant to be a closing but for a brief few minutes I was hopeful. 'Sincerely'? Overused. 'Best'? Impersonal! 'Best wishes'? LAME! 'May I always live to serve you and your crown'? Too monarchical! *sigh* All I want is something simple but not boring! Ah, yes. I think I'll just use the good ol' 'I am.' Simple, straightforward, honest.



Inder-ific said...

Especially since the hebrew word for God (ahem, I mean G-D) translates literally as "I Am What I Am" or, as it's often shortened, simply "I Am."

her kid said...

so apparently my mom think she's god and god is popeye. My world view just improved by leaps and bounds...

kent said...

if god is popeye the bluto is the devil?

I started signing off my emails with

"I am" now and forever

your mom is a trend setter...