Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bullet points; more Yoko on basketball

The Cavaliers played the Raptors and here's what she had to say:

• A player was being swapped out with another player and as they switched, they slapped five.
"Do they have to touch like that?! No....! * It's not a relay."
*insert my maniacal laughter here

• "Are the people in suits the coaches? Why do they wear suits? The coaches in baseball don't wear suits, do they?"
"No, they wear uniforms. But, what, you want the coaches to wear shorts and tank tops? It would look ridiculous."
"Well, what about that..." (she points to the TV)
"Those are the refs."

• "I still don't like all that squeaking." Perhaps you will recall...

• She'd also asked me recently if they were "allowed to shove it down." By 'it' she meant basketball and by 'down' she meant into the net. This action is known to the rest of us as a slam dunk. It was cute.

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