Friday, February 22, 2008

The Tell-Tale Smack

My mom has a habit of kind of making smacking sounds with her mouth right before she's about to say something. Sometimes it takes a while for the words to come out and as a consequence I'm stuck listening to that smacking sound for longer than I'd like. She's unaware that she's even doing it so my pleas to get her to quit are futile. You have no idea how annoying it can be knowing she's on the verge of saying something and having to just wait for her to spit whatever it is out. Anyway, it finally yielded something funny.

I'd heard the telltale smacking, so I turned to her expectantly and asked, "What?"
She looked surprised then began laughing.
"Is it creepy, like I can read your mind and know you're thinking about saying something?" I asked.
"It already felt like you can read my mind" was her reply.

The funny thing is, she relies on this potentiality far more often than she should and it is the cause of many miscommunications and misunderstandings in this living situation of ours. No matter how prescient I may seem, I'm just not.


Inder-ific said...

Smack ...

I think it's cool that you used the word "prescient" in a sentence.

her kid said...

I can't tell if it's nerdier that I used it or that you thought it was cool...let's start a club when i get back. Or, wait! Maybe that IS what goodreads is!

(I kid, of course. I'm glad you thought it was cool!)