Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cuteness meets mystery

I was flipping through TV channels this evening and the movie channel was showing an old (maybe 70s era) Jackie Chan movie. I knew my mom liked him so I called her attention to the TV. "Oh, it's Lucky Jan," she said. It was funny. Also, I've been trying to brush up on my kanji recognition skills and since this movie was in Chinese with Japanese subtitles, I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice, not that I'm any good (at all!). The following conversation then occured:
N: "Did that last kanji say 'thought'?"
Y: "What?"
N: (drawing the character in the air) "Is that the kanji for 'thought'?"
Y: "Did it say that? I wasn't reading the subtitles."

Which makes me wonder, was she just watching the movie in total oblivion or does she secretly speak Chinese? I asked but received no answer. I guess I'll never know.

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