Sunday, November 27, 2011
reality isn't a contributing factor
"What's his name again?" she'd ask me. "Hoppy? Poppy? Poppin?"
"It reminds me of Mary Poppins! Anyway, I was close."
"Yes, but one is his name and the others aren't."
"Well, they're all cute," she says as justification.
I can't really argue; it's even cuter in Japanese: ホッピン but I threatened to call her Yamada if the logic of close enough was going to be followed.
A post-script:
She did buy us tickets to see Mary Poppins on Broadway. John is certain that it was because it reminds her of his name. He is probably right.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Straight from John's pen

I asked what was up with him.
"He's old," said Yoko.
Read John's entire post HERE.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Inconsistency in actual quality (though not enjoyability)
I just heard Obama statement about Bin Laden dead. yokattane. outside white house is sugoi! mama
It disconnects right away, Skype Call me mama
I'm going back there for a couple of weeks very shortly. I'm excited to see what comes!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Like "Nass" but maybe better
Before I could open this weird package, my mom gives me some instruction: "Look inside the tish!"
I skipped just a beat while my little grey cells computed and said, "You mean tissUE?"
Then we all laughed. Anyway, in the tish was a pair of teeny-tiny cranes made by Jun-chan, my friend / mom's ex-student / future mctm for another generation. They really were absolutely amazing.
But TISH? Does it get any cuter than that?!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
'Nass,' 'chako cake' and other cute things my students intuited
The confusing thing for many English learners from Japan is that there is an ever-expanding segment of the Japanese lexicon derived from a foreign language - often times English, but also French, German etc. Thus the word for bread is 'pan' after the French 'pain,' the word for backpack is 'ryukku' after the German 'rucksack' and things like apple and orange are simply that, with some necessary vowels thrown in: 'appuru' and 'orenji'
This leads all kinds of people to make the error that they can assume reverse conversions are effective, applying a rule that doesn't always apply. Like how little kids sometimes say 'runned' instead of 'ran.' One of my favorite stories entails a group of 5 & 6 year-olds who would enthusiastically shout the English for the things depicted on my flash cards: "APPLE" "ORANGE" "CABBAGE"
Then they see an eggplant, that purple 'onasu' and shout "NASS" much to my glee.
Or the half-Japanese boy who spoke with nary an accent and proudly informed me that for his snack he was going to get some chako cake.
I had an adult student tell me that she was 'grading up' her computer system, and another who wanted to talk about the new designer 'G-pan' she got.
The seamless blending of the world - it ain't easy. Anyone know where we stand with the whole Esperanto effort anyway?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
a recent email (Note: this is the email in full. From the top.)
Dear John, I hope all is well around you! Shigeru my ukulele cousin wants to know if you are doing something at the party. Nami seems really busy so I decided to write to you direct. The party is at a small live-house, and Ukulele members will perform and Kenki my student will write something for the occasion for him, me, Jun. (His music is sometimes Arabian type). If you are planning to do something like sing or play, please let me know, so I can tell Shigeru.
Nami didn't know when you arrive here but if I am not available, I will have someone meet you at airport to bring you here while Nami has to work. I am gone 9,10,11 but the house is yours. Hopefully, you arrive before so I can show you a few things around here.
I am sending this via Nami, so I don't send it to one of your relatives. I hope to hear from you soon. love, Yoko
our parents never faced this kind of vexation as youths
But this isn't
One day my mom gets a new Dell laptop with a built in webcam, which I'm excited about because I figure it means that my days of playing IT to my mom's skype are finished. So I call her and say let's skype. She turns on her computer and I see her log in to skype. I call, she answers and lo! My mom on the video! For a split second only, though, and then she is replaced by a very worried looking white Scottish-fold kitten with green eyes and human teeth.

I guess solidarity means something: my mom is no longer alone in this world and, just as importantly, neither am I.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Directions on taking care of my baby

Please note these are the directions in full. I came from this woman? No further explanation necessary.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A rock and a hard place
On her trip to NYC in February, of course she said Oriental and I expected to have this perennial interaction of me saying, "Use 'Asian'" and her saying, "Why?" followed by the usual back-and-forth ending with her above-mentioned go-to justification: "I'm one so I can say it if I want to."
Not to say that we didn't have just that, but after the requisite (and now more than two-decades old) song-and-dance, my mom paused, looked at me thoughtfully then announced her compromise.
"Well, can I just call myself a Jap then?"
A rock and a hard place.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Yoko waits for no blog
Skype helps a lot, too. Stay tuned for more back-posts, coming soon. Two years is a lot of hilarity to catch up on.