Monday, October 20, 2008

an additional measure of home protection

We had a barbeque with a bunch of friends and even though it's Fall and getting cool, it was nice to be outside and not be attacked by throngs of mosquitoes. There were a handful at the most and they were not vicious. The sliding screen doors to our 'yard' (it's more like a glorified patio because of the size but in feeling it's a yard) are made to be easy to slide open and closed. From the inside of the house, that is. There are no such handles or impressions in the frame to help you get a grip when you are outside. It was frustrating when you are trying to go in and out bringing food, drink, adjusting music and doing other hostly activities. When I aired my grief to my mom, but she corrected me in her "glass-is-half-full" manner touched by a little y-logic.

"Erg! Why don't these screens have an easy way to open them from the outside!" I grumbled.
"It's a good thing," she said.
"How's that?" I asked.
"Well, it makes it harder for robbers," she replied.

I feel safer. Imagine how many countless thefts those screen doors protected us from. It was lucky that the robbers who attempted to break in here were not hardened criminals, but milk toasts who give up at the slightest hindrance. I think one of them didn't even make it to the screen door; they went home when they stubbed their toe on the parapet.

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