She often calls at this time, which is Saturday morning in Japan just before her student arrives for her lesson. It's never a long call but I know they both like it - these calls have certainly replaced her checking in on me, her kid!
*ring, ring* me: "Hello?" her: "Is he awake?" me: "Not yet." her: "Okay, call me when he gets up. Bye." *click and dial tone*
Maybe it's not that harsh and in a way I should be happy about this change but in either case I digress...
As we finished up this call, my mom suddenly jumps up from her seat and says, "I have to go put on coffee - my student likes it."
This would seem fine except that once this student arrived while we were still online together and my mother introduced us over Skype. And she is 5.
"What? Isn't your student five? You are giving a five-year-old coffee??!!"
"She likes it - she doesn't even take any milk or sugar. Just black," my mom informs me, as if that makes it any better. "Besides, I'm making decaf."
I launch in to my spiel about how caffeine isn't good for kids but in Japan who knows how much green tea or even coca cola this child consumes. Maybe a weekly black coffee isn't the end of the world. Though I did have a nightmare this morning where my mom was attempting to feed the frijolito copious amounts of cake telling me he likes it! I woke up with a racing pulse, my screaming protestations still fresh in my head.